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Digital world design #3 Profession

Foto do escritor: ícaro Fernandesícaro Fernandes

Professions within a digital world, created for an MMORPG, can be diverse and play a crucial role in the economy and progression of players. Professions can be divided into two types: gathering and creation (craft). Some professions, such as mining, involve both gathering and crafting, while others, such as blacksmithing, focus solely on crafting, using the resources provided by miners.

In this way, a miner can collect a raw resource, such as iron, and refine it into an iron ingot. But why is this refinement important? Well, the raw resource can be used in other ways to produce other materials, hence the need for refinement. The blacksmith, in turn, will use a refined resource, such as an iron ingot, along with several other resources.

The dynamics between professions must be planned so that one depends on the other, creating a chained action in the use of resources and keeping the market heated. When there are several ways to use the same resource, valuable alternatives are offered for that resource. I won't go into detail about features in this post, but will in the next one.

Returning to the professions, it is noticeable that they have a progression. This progression occurs as players level up their professions, allowing them to collect and craft higher-tier items. However, I believe that there are details that can be incorporated into the progression of a profession.

Stop thinking: a level 100 miner is more experienced than a level 10 miner, right? So why not show this difference in experience? My idea is to improve this experience, allowing an experienced miner to see, feel and enjoy their experience in a more natural and spontaneous way. There may be highlights on resources that the miner has the most experience with, or perhaps a map configuration option specific to miners where geological readings are taken on a mining profession map or on a map option that shows geological information.

By building these stimuli, the profession will become more enjoyable for the player and the player will also feel more important and with more ease in his profession, all this experience and stimuli can be done in different professions that will ultimately make the experience within a digital world more immersive.

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