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  • Writer's pictureícaro Fernandes

How to create a GDD?

A GDD (Game Design Document) is a file that contains all the information about a game. It's an initial process in the game's pre-production phase, and it should list various elements of the game.

One of the first steps in creating a game is to create a GDD. This file will serve as a guide for the team, listing important points and elements such as the title, genre, a story excerpt, mechanics, target audience, platform, examples of other games with a similar style, art style and music. The amount of information that should be included in the GDD is relative to the size and complexity of the game. The document can range from just one page to 10 or more than 50 pages for games like MMORPGs or AAA games.

It's important to keep in mind that this document is not for you but for the team, so it should be created in a way that is readable and understandable by the team.

There is no standard GDD to be created, as the GDD will be flexible to the game being designed. It's up to the game designer to know what to include in the document.

Is it necessary to create a GDD?

Many developers or studios choose to make one or not. Sometimes, only a one-page document or a presentation for the team is created. However, I think creating the document is very important, even if it's simple. For the game designer, it's even better because it will help a lot in the project. By writing a document, the designer will have a projection of ideas for the game, and it won't be just stuck in their head. The more complex the game is, the more important the document is, as the team can refer to it to clarify any doubts.

You can find several examples of GDDs online. Research some and use them as a base for your own.

You can also add some sketches of game mechanics that happen in the game or interface sketches as well.


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