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  • Writer's pictureícaro Fernandes

Platform 2D game

I created a 2D platform game using free assets from the unity store in order to put some mechanics into practice such as scoring, jumping, character death and some level mechanics, so I created 6 levels to represent my idea.

The main idea was to make a platform game where the character collects apples and crosses the levels, dodging obstacles and traps using some resources in the level. The difficulty is increased as you pass the levels.

GDD (Game Design Document) - Summary:

Apple Adventure is a fun and challenging platform game where players take on the role of a charismatic character who needs to collect apples while going through different levels. The main objective is to reach the exit of each level, avoiding obstacles and dangerous traps. The game offers several interesting mechanics, including platforming, moving platforms, fans, enemies, spikes, springboards, and saws. Players will need to use these resources carefully to overcome challenges and progress through the game.

Game Mechanics:

Apple Collecting: The player must collect apples scattered throughout the levels to score points and advance in the game. Collecting apples can be used to unlock additional content such as skins or extra stages.

Platforms: There are some platforms that disappear after a certain amount of time. The player needs to jump from one platform to another to avoid falling on spikes.

Moving Platforms: Some platforms can move horizontally, creating an additional challenge for the player. Precise timing is needed to jump over them safely.

Fans: Fans generate a flow of air that can propel the character upwards. The player can use the fans to reach higher platforms or avoid obstacles.

Enemies: There are enemies that patrol certain areas of the stages. The player must avoid coming into contact with them as this will result in defeat.

Spikes: Spikes are dangerous obstacles that cause defeat on contact. The player must avoid touching them at all costs and find alternative routes to proceed.

Trampolines: Trampolines are devices that can propel the character to significant heights. The player can use trampolines to reach inaccessible areas or avoid obstacles.

Saws: Saws are moving traps that can cut the character on contact. The player must avoid the ridges and find opportunities to cross them safely.

Game Progression:

The game features several challenging levels, each with a unique layout of platforms, obstacles, and enemies. As the player progresses, the levels become more difficult, featuring complex combinations of mechanics and increasing the player's skill requirement. The game may include stage bosses, where the player must defeat a powerful enemy to advance.

I also added a simple UI.


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