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  • Writer's pictureícaro Fernandes

Using Games as Critical Elements

We have various ways of expressing criticism towards different subjects, and I believe that within a game, the value of criticism is enhanced by allowing someone to experience unique situations.

Games can also be used as a critical element regarding social, political, or cultural themes. Just like art has been used throughout history to criticize and comment on society, games can also provide a platform for reflection and critique.

Some games employ narrative and gameplay to stimulate reflection on social and political issues. Moreover, they encourage players to make difficult moral decisions that lead them to reflect on the consequences of their actions. Like art, games can be a powerful tool for criticism and reflection.

For example, games like Papers, Please and This War of Mine place players in challenging situations related to war and political regimes.

However, similar to art, games also face challenges in being seen as a legitimate means of criticism and reflection. Some critics argue that games are merely forms of entertainment and lack the same value as other art forms. Additionally, some games that tackle social or political themes have been criticized for simplifying complex issues or being insensitive to certain groups or cultures.

Games can provide unique experiences, just like art. Taking this into consideration, I believe it is the best way to combine criticism with playfulness, allowing players to experience difficult situations that prompt reflection. This can be highly enriching for the development of criticism and for the players themselves in real life.


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