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  • Writer's pictureícaro Fernandes

word typing game

This project was a different idea I had. I've been studying English for some time now and one day I came across a video of the Ztype game. I found the game very interesting, as it has simple mechanics, but its visual and playful part is surprising, which led me to think of a similar project, but with a gamified approach, to study English.

The concept is that the words are falling on the screen and the player types the letters to form the word. While typing, there are visual and sound effects that make the game more dynamic and playful. Using this mechanic, I intend to create a game that can help in the study of English in a relaxed way.

With this concept we can create different game modes such as:

Score: Scoring mode, in which the player accumulates points as he writes more words. As the words fall faster and faster, the score increases. It's a great game mode for people who like to beat records and to improve their English typing.

Reveal: In this mode, words will fall out and when the player finishes typing, an image related to the word will be displayed as a special effect. It's a good way to learn new words and make associations between words and pictures.

Figures: In this mode, images such as an apple, knife, fork, chair, among others, fall and the player types the translation of these images in English.

With this concept, the game can also evolve to include new modes with voice detection, in which the player, instead of typing, pronounces the words, thus improving their pronunciation in English.

Here below is a visual concept I made to express a little bit how the game would work:

And I created a prototype in Unity, a simple prototype, but that expresses well the core mechanics of the game:


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